© Copyright www.callingtonmethodist.org. All Rights Reserved.
Mission Statement

The foundation of all the work in this Church is grounded in the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour and that all people need to come to a personal faith in Him and experience the reality of His presence in their lives. Outreach is our priority.
Our Location

Callington Methodist Church
Haye Road
PL17 7DJ
Stoke Climsland Methodist Church

A local Wesleyan Methodist Society was formed in Venterdon  in the early 19th century and in 1816 a chapel was erected.  In 1869 the larger present chapel was built in the field behind with its own burial ground, and the old chapel converted to a room for the Sunday school.  The old chapel has since been demolished, and the site used as an entrance to the car park.

The original stables and coach house survive as garages.  In 1948 the seating capacity was 220.

In 1994 the chapel was closed for extensive restoration work, and it is now officially Stoke Climsland Methodist Church.

Stoke Climsland Methodist Church
St Dominick Methodist Church
Bible Study
Notice Board
To contact us (see our Contact Page)
Revd David Moss
Sunday Worship 11.00am
September 2024
Sunday 1st          Rev Tim Wilkinson - Holy Communion
Sunday 8th          Petit - Harvest Festival    6.30pm Martyn Bunkum
Sunday 15th        Helen Pengelly
Sunday 22nd       Local Arrangement
Sunday 6th          Langston         
Sunday 13th        Brenda Grundy             
Sunday 20th        Rev Tim Wilkinson       
Sunday 27th        John Ware
Sunday 3rd          Local Arrangement
Sunday 10th        Rev Steve Emery-Wright - Holy Communion
Sunday 17th        Brenda Grundy
Sunday 24th        Helen Pengelly
Callington MC Services
St Dominick MC Services