Ministerial matters please leave a message on the Contact Us form marking it for the attention of Rev Tim Wilkinson
Contact information
Circuit Children's & Families Worker contact Louise James 01579 388840
Please contact Rev Tim Wilkinson if you are seeking to learn more about Jesus or looking for a church where you would be welcomed.
Tim is also happy to be contacted to discuss weddings, baptisms or funerals.
Please fill in the form to include your phone number in order for him to get back to to you.
For information about the Callington Memory Cafe please visit their website using the link below.
Callington Memory Cafe
Hiring rooms on our premises please phone 01579 382240
Website issues please phone 07306 788300
Car Park enquiries, contact Simon Smith
07736 310573
Bible Study
Notice Board
Mission Statement
The foundation of all the work in this Church is grounded in the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour and that all people need to come to a personal faith in Him and experience the reality of His presence in their lives. Outreach is our priority.
Our Location

Callington Methodist Church
Haye Road, Callington
Cornwall PL17 7JJ
To contact us please visit our Contact Page

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