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Mission Statement
The foundation of all the work in this Church is grounded in the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour and that all people need to come to a personal faith in Him and experience the reality of His presence in their lives. Outreach is our priority.
Our Location

Callington Methodist Church
Haye Road, Callington
Cornwall PL17 7JJ
To contact us please visit our Contact Page

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Events taking place in our building ...
Our building continues to be used regularly throughout the week for coffee mornings, a growing Junior Church, Bible-Studies, Sunday and mid-week Worship, Guild Evenings (from September to March), including regular Half term family activities.
We are very pleased with the way our work with families and youngsters continues to develop through our monthly weekly meetings of both Toddle-In and Open the Book at the local Primary Schools
In addition, our regular bookings from organisations within our community is also expanding, they are:
Vocal Footprint, Mondays from 7.15 pm to 8.45 pm
The Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir, Tuesdays from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm
Latino Dance, Thursdays from 10 am to 11 am
The Kelliwik Orchestra, Saturdays from 10 am to 12 noon
The Memory Cafe, Saturdays fortnightly from 2 pm to 4 pm